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In the Media | 03.19.18

Vancouver Student Hosts Event on Mental Health Challenges

Linda Chang, an Adler University Vancouver Campus student, coordinated a culturally inclusive event aimed at breaking down stigmas and barriers for those facing mental health challenges.

Held on March 19, “Art and Mindfulness for Mental Health,” included dynamic speakers, engaging performances, and art therapy activities that enabled participants to experience art’s therapeutic, healing abilities.

“We’ve invited people who can tell their stories about how they overcame or learned to live with their mental health challenges through writing, drawing, singing, dancing and mindful meditation,” Chang said. “My hope is that the event will bring more awareness to the community about mental health challenges while inspiring greater inclusion. Many are mothers, fathers, co-workers and artists, each learning to live with their own challenges.”

Originally from Beijing, Chang is working toward a Master of Counselling Psychology degree at Adler University’s Vancouver campus.

Read the full story at SFU News.

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