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Stories | 04.15.20

Adapting, Learning, and Leading During a Crisis

Adler University recently hosted a special webinar series to share insight on navigating a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. In four of the webinars, Online Campus faculty and staff offered guidance for how individuals and organizations, who are able to during this time, can adapt to virtual work, stay connected, and provide leadership to ensure individual, organizational, and community health.

  • In “Leading in Times of Crisis,” Adrienne Holloway, Ph.D., Program Director for the Master of Public Administration program, shared advice on leading others during uncertain and stressful times. Holloway discussed the different styles of leadership, maintaining integrity during a crisis, and contingency planning, offering insight from her time leading in local government. Watch the webinar.
  • “Organizational Health and Wellness,” led by Marianne Cabrera, Ph.D., offered a discussion on the challenges and strategies leaders can take to develop and maintain healthy organizations. Cabrera defines organizational health as the ability to adapt to changes but also having the ability to anticipate what changes may be coming. Cabrera is the Program Director of the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership and Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership programs. Watch the webinar.
  • Bart Buechner, Ph.D., presented “Leading Teams Remotely,” which focused on balancing autonomy with accountability, fostering a sense of community, and maintaining continuity of business operations during social distancing and shelter-in-place protocols. Buechner, who teaches in the Master of Arts in Military Psychology program, offered insight into holding team members accountable, while offering them support as they adjust to a new environment and routine. Watch the webinar.
  • “Virtual Engagement in the Midst of Social Distancing,” with Samantha Coleman, Ph.D., is about maintaining connection and engagement while social distancing at work and in the classroom. Coleman, who is the Director for Student Experience and Academic Advising, discussed tools that higher education institutions like Adler University have in place for engaging with faculty and students while learning remotely. Watch the webinar.

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