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In the Media | 06.30.20

Chicago Student Discusses Suicide Risk and Prevention with Psychology Today

Chicago Campus Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) student Jack C. Lennon, M.A., recently shared research on suicide rates and risk during the COVID-19 pandemic in an interview with Psychology Today.

Lennon recently wrote a chapter on the subject for an upcoming book. Lennon said the publication is a “call for action and awareness, arising from an ongoing review of the COVID-19 studies on neurologic and psychological impacts.”

“I believe that many people in all professional and personal domains are becoming concerned about suicide and other mental health concerns—if they were not concerned prior to the rampant transmission of COVID-19, they are now,” Lennon said. He added that the pandemic is also importantly “illuminating the flaws of our healthcare system and the political and socioeconomic disparities that have been present in the U.S. for centuries.”

Read the Psychology Today interview, “The Suicide Pandemic Needs Our Attention.”

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