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Vancouver | Counselling Psychology (M.A.) | Master of Counselling Psychology

Jenna Hepp, Ph.D., NCC



I strive to create a caring, compassionate, and genuine atmosphere where students feel safe and free to be exactly who they are. I believe that learning flourishes when students are supported, inspired, and truly seen.

I believe this begins when all voices are heard, when students learn from each other, and when they can contribute to the lesson. Each student brings unique experiences that enrich the learning process and offer different perspectives on various lessons. When students feel encouraged and safe to share their thoughts, they gain the opportunity to understand diverse viewpoints. Each student has unique gifts to offer in their chosen field and something valuable to contribute to the world.

Adler University provides a belonging environment where students can thrive, stand up for their beliefs, and engage with different perspectives with curiosity rather than judgment. And I am elated to begin learning from and growing alongside the students at Adler University.



  • Ph.D, Counselor Education and Supervision, University of Wyoming
  • M.S, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, University of Wyoming
  • B.A, Psychology, George Fox University
Current Licensures

Current Licensures

  • Provisional Professional Counselor, 2021-Current
  • National Certified Counselor, 2020- Current
Professional Memberships

Professional Memberships

  • American Counseling Association
Areas of Expertise

Areas of Expertise

  • Adolescent Self-Esteem and Suicide
  • Mental Health Advocacy
  • Eating Disorders
  • Curriculum Development in Mental Health
  • Residential Treatment for Adolescents
Select Awards and Recognition

Select Awards and Recognition

  • Wyoming School Counseling Association, Service Award, 2023
Select Publications

Select Publications

  • Hepp, J. G. (2024). Youth of the Nation: Program Evaluation of a Self-Esteem Curriculum With Young Adolescent Students (Doctoral dissertation, University of Wyoming).
  • Hepp, J. (2023). Preventing substance abuse for youth. In M.M. Mahr (Eds.), A Systemic Approach to Substance Abuse & Addiction: The Power of Society. Kendall Hunt
  • Hepp, J. (2023) Activity 10.3, 10.4, 12.1, 12.2. In T. B. Fletcher & A. C. DeDiego (Eds.), Creativity in Counseling Children and Adolescents: A Guide to Experiential Activities. Routledge.
Select Presentations

Select Presentations

  • McGrath, A., DeDiego, A.C., Hepp, J. (Oct 2022). Navigating Academic Restructuring: Advocacy Strategies for Counselor Education Programs. Rocky Mountain Association Counselor Education and Supervision, Coeur D’ Lane, ID.
  • Nichols, L., Hepp, J., Brown, T. (Jan 2022) Supporting Students with Post-Holiday Blues: Coping with Grief and Loss. Webinar on behalf of Wyoming Counseling School Association
  • DeDiego, A. C., Morris-Howe, L. B., & *Hepp, J. (Nov 2021). Exploring theories and models of clinical supervision. Wyoming Counseling Association Conference. *Conference moved to virtual format due to COVID-19
  • Hepp, J. G. (Nov 2021) Ethics from the Client’s Perspective. Wyoming Counseling Association Conference. *Conference moved to virtual format due to COVID-19
  • Bays, J., Bowman, S., Brown, T., Hepp, J. Kobusingye, M., Parkinson, P., Ratliff, R., Tedmon-Jones, T., and Nichols, L. M. (Feb 2021). Maybe we’ll end here today. Counselor Education Distance Learning Conference, Palo Alto University, CA – Virtual.

Vancouver Campus

Adler University in Vancouver has been, like Canada itself, born and built with an open mind. Located in the midst of one of the world’s most exciting and breathtaking cities, Adler University reflects a true Canadian spirit. It’s smart, inclusive and determined to make a world of difference. By design, our Vancouver campus echoes the Adler values and intent down every hall and in every room. It is built to live, breathe and inspire those with the passion to pursue a more just society. This is where the work gets done.

At Adler Vancouver, you’ll find multiple collaborative areas with the absolute latest technology. Learning areas and windows have literally been situated to stimulate thought. To some, that may sound odd, but these things do matter. If students are given the space, opportunity and technology to achieve their goals, they are more likely to rock the boat of conventional thought.

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