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Vancouver | Adjunct Professor

Lucy Jdanova, Ph.D.



I am in a wonderful position to share my knowledge and passion for my subject matter with students, and I treat this opportunity as a gift and a responsibility. My goal is not only to ensure that students have a solid understanding of Organizational Psychology, but also to provide my students with skills for continuous learning and professional development. Thus, I consider one of my most important tasks as an educator is to develop critical and independent thinking and problem solving skills in my students. To ensure that students leave this program with practical skills, I rely on experiential activities and assignments that challenge and require students to apply theoretical knowledge to real world situations. My perspective is that the relationship between a student and a teacher is a partnership: both parties must work together to accomplish a set of important goals. To facilitate mutual learning, I strive to create an environment in my classroom where students with diverse goals and backgrounds feel respected, motivated, and comfortable to express themselves.

One of my favorite aspects of the job is working with students on their research projects. I enjoy encouraging student to pursue questions and projects that ignite their curiosity. As part of their thesis, students learn that with applied research they are able to provide a scientifically-based understanding of and solutions to people issues in a work setting. My personal general research interests primarily focus on work-family issues, cross-cultural adjustment, and psychological climate in organization. As a consultant, I have worked on a number of applied projects with a wide range of organizations. Some of the work involved validation of selection tools and practices, construction of pre-screen questionnaires, job analysis, and statistical consultation.

I am very excited to be part of a growing and constantly evolving MAOP program at Adler’s Vancouver Campus, working alongside dedicated faculty members who are committed to training competent and socially responsible Organizational Psychology professionals.

Please email or call me 236.521.2480 if you have questions or would like more information about me.



  • Ph.D., I/O Psychology, Wayne State University
  • M.A., I/O Psychology, Wayne State University
  • M.S., Behavioral Sciences, Cameron University
  • B.S., Psychology, Cameron University
Professional Memberships

Professional Memberships

  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
  • Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP)
  • Academy of Management (AOM)
  • British Columbia Organization Development Network (BCODN), Board Member
Select Publications

Select Publications

  • Zhdanova, L., & Lucas, T. (2015). The usefulness of polynomial regression and surface response methodology in justice research: The effects of within person differences in justice perceptions on well-being. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-015-9328-8
  • Arnetz, J., & Zhdanova, L. (2015). Patient involvement climate among Registered Nurses in Sweden. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(3-4), 475-485.
  • Lucas, T., Rudolph, C., Zhdanova, L., Barkho, E., & Weidner, N. (2014). Distributive Justice for Others, Collective Angst, and Support for Exclusion of Immigrants Political Psychology.
  • Rudolph, C., Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L., Clark, M. A., & Bal, A. (2011). Testing the Structured Free Recall Intervention for Reducing the Impact of Bodyweight-Based Stereotypes on Performance Ratings in Immediate and Delayed Contexts. Journal  of Business and Psychology, 23(1).
  • Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L., & Clark, M. (2011). An Examination of the individual and environmental antecedents of Selection, Optimization, Compensation (SOC) strategies. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(4), 517-530.
  • Arnetz, J., Zhdanova, L., Elsouhag, D., Lichtenberg, Luborsky, P., & Arnetz, B. (2011). Organizational Climate Determinants of Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes. Gerontologist, 51(6), 739-49.
  • Hargis, M. B., Kotrba, L. M., Zhdanova, L., & Baltes, B. B. (2011). What’s really important? Examining the relative importance of antecedents to Work-Family Conflict. Journal of Managerial Issues, 23(4), 386-408.
  • Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L., & Parker, C. (2009). Psychological climate perceptions: Contrast and comparison of organizational and individual level referents. Human Relations, 62(5), 669.
Select Presentations

Select Presentations

  • Arnetz, J., Zhdanova, L., Elsouhag, D., Lichtenberg, Luborsky, P., & Arnetz, B. (2011). Organizational climate and resident safety in nursing homes: Mediating effects of safety culture in a structural model. Poster presented at the Work, Stress and Health conference.
  • Zhdanova, L., & Baltes, B. B. (2010, April). Examination of the relationships between personality, cross-cultural adjustment, and turnover intentions at the dimensional level. Poster presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
  • Zhdanova, L., Chakrabarti, M, & Baltes, B. B. (April, 2008). Testing the Temporal Limits of a Structured Free Recall Intervention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
  • Zhdanova, L., Baltes, B. B., Chakrabarti M., Ferrell, C. C., Finkelstein, L., Roehling, M.V., & Shepard, A. (May, 2007). Examining and Reducing Rater Stereotype Affects on Performance Ratings. Invited presentation at the semi-annual Michigan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology meeting.
  • Zhdanova, L., Baltes, B. B., Chakrabarti M., Ferrell, C. C., Finkelstein, L., Roehling, M.V., & Shepard, A. (April, 2007). Examining and Reducing Rater Stereotype Affects on Performance Ratings. Poster presented as The Annual Conference of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, New York.
  • Zhdanova, L., Pui, S. Y., Allison, L., & Clark, M. (May, 2006). If You Don’t Come in on Sunday, don’t Bother Coming in on Monday: A meta-analysis of Workaholism Atecedents and Outcomes. Poster presentation at Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Dallas, TX.
  • Zhdanova, L. S., Baltes, B. B., & Parker, C. (2005). Psychological Climate: Differences Between Organizational and Individual Referents. Poster presentation at Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Zhdanova, L. S., LeBreton, J., & Carpenter, M. (2005). Ranking of the U.S. I-O Graduate Programs. Poster presentation at Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Young, L. M., & Pratt, A., Boyce, A., Zhdanova, L., & Baltes, B. B. (April, 2005).  A Closer Look at SOC: Examining the Role of Specific SOC Strategies in Reducing Work-Family Conflict. In A. Pratt, A. Boyce & B.B. Baltes (Co-Chairs), Finding the Balance: Innovative Research on Reducing Work- Family Conflict. Symposium conducted at the 20th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.

Vancouver Campus

Adler University in Vancouver has been, like Canada itself, born and built with an open mind. Located in the midst of one of the world’s most exciting and breathtaking cities, Adler University reflects a true Canadian spirit. It’s smart, inclusive and determined to make a world of difference. By design, our Vancouver campus echoes the Adler values and intent down every hall and in every room. It is built to live, breathe and inspire those with the passion to pursue a more just society. This is where the work gets done.

At Adler Vancouver, you’ll find multiple collaborative areas with the absolute latest technology. Learning areas and windows have literally been situated to stimulate thought. To some, that may sound odd, but these things do matter. If students are given the space, opportunity and technology to achieve their goals, they are more likely to rock the boat of conventional thought.

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