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Chicago | Associate Professor
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (On-Ground Modality)

Monica F. Boyd-Layne,



My philosophy of teaching is based on the belief that student learning becomes more impactful when I can effectively collaborate, communicate, and facilitate meaning making. These three components assist me in building a student-centered curriculum where learning can extend past the classroom. My teaching reflects Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory, which explains that learning is a reciprocal experience. The instructor is not in possession of knowledge instead, helps to stimulate the learning process.

Combining open dialogue, creativity, and technology into classroom activities is essential to engagement for all learning types. I am often the guide through the educational process for students and challenge them to evaluate, analyze, and critically think about learning within the context of various assignments. These include experiential exercises, evidenced based pedagogical research, and lectures infused with Socratic dialogue. This constructivist way of knowing and learning has made me more thoughtful about my contribution to mentor, support, and motivate students. Having this framework contributes to me being more intentional when integrating difficult dialogues on gender, race, culture, and translates into effective practices as an educator. This requires taking risks, asking questions, and incorporating ideas that might not otherwise be included.

Lastly, I realize that I am on a personal mission. I put a great deal of effort into building a safe environment, constructing a diverse and transparent curriculum to become the instructor I wish I had in the academy. My focus is not to allow learning experiences to create cultural isolation or lack of belongingness for any student. “True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.” – Nikos Kazantzakis



  • PhD, Counselor Education and Supervision, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
  • M.A. Counseling, Illinois School of Professional Psychology
  • B.A. Speech, Augustana College
Professional Memberships

Professional Memberships

  • American Counseling Associations
  • Association for Counseling Education and Supervision
  • North Central ACES
  • Illinois Counseling Association
Select Publications

Select Publications

  • Boyd-Layne, M. & Burch, K. (2017) Experiential Activities for Teaching Social Justice and Advocacy Competence in Counseling (accepted)
  • Burch, K., Prater, M., Leonard, K., & Boyd M. (2016) Lessons for Liberation: Reflections on the Study of hooks and Freire by Women of Color. Latina/O Psychology Today 3(1), 34-38.
Select Presentations

Select Presentations

  • Boyd, M (2015, October) Who is your superhero: Insights into the power of supervision. Workshop session presented at the McDermott Center Fall Workshop series. Chicago, Il.
  • Boyd, M & Torres, H (2015, March) Supervision: Translation of the counseling relationship. Poster session presented at the Great Lakes Counseling Psychology Conference. Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
  • Burch, K. & Boyd, M. (2016, October) Innovative Strategies to Address Racial Battle Fatigue: #BlackLivesMatter Education session co-presenter at the North Central Association for Counseling Educators & Supervisors. Bloomington, MN.

Chicago Campus

Located in the heart of the city, the Chicago Campus was designed to provide and inspire the learning and living experience. To that end, we have created an environment that caters to your mental, emotional, and intellectual growth. Our classrooms are bright and spacious with windows to the outside world and the latest technology. In our Library, you will find every resource you need to research, form, and shape your journey. At Adler University, we have more than enough room to share your thoughts and flex your intellect.

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