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Chicago | Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)

Penelope Asay, Ph.D., ABPP



My approach to teaching is fueled by my own interest in learning. I am always learning with and from students, and I endeavor to share my expertise and enthusiasm with humility and openness.

As future socially-engaged professionals, it is essential for students to become aware of and grapple with their worldviews do the same with the worldviews of others. It is also essential for them to learn that all of us are embedded in multiple systems and exist in a sociopolitical context and that these things have significant impact on behavior, health, and wellness. Theory, research, and clinical work cannot possibly be taught or understood adequately without deliberate attention to issues of power, oppression, and context. In both experiential and didactic work, we attend to these dimensions in both process and content of class.

I am also dedicated to helping students develop their professional identities outside of the classroom and developing their unique voices as future psychologists from day 1! Presenting, publishing, volunteering, advocating, and fighting for change are all invaluable ways to connect with ourselves, each other, and the world.



  • Diplomate, Counseling Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology
  • Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park
  • M.A., College Student Personnel, University of Maryland, College Park
  • B.A., Psychology, Connecticut College
Select Presentations

Select Presentations

  • Asay, P.A., & Biedermann, C. (March 2022) Creating everyday feminist advocacy: Building identity, community, and hope. Pre-conference workshop conducted for the annual conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL.
  • Asay, P.A. (October, 2021). Sexual harassment in psychology graduate programs. Invited address, Global Women’s Studies Program, Brigham Young University.
  • Asay, P.A., Pelc, N. & Slavkin, M. (February, 2021). Everyday advocacy: Developing a personal advocacy plan. Workshop conducted for the annual Teacher’s College Winter Roundtable, New York, NY.
  • Asay, P. A. (February, 2020). Integrating advocacy into professional identity and training. Roundtable discussion presented at the Council of Master’s in Counseling Training Program’s annual conference, Miami, FL.
  • Wilson, T. & Asay, P.A. (August, 2019). Cultural humility & structural competency: Recognizing sociocultural embeddedness reduces resistance. In K. Keefe-Cooperman (Chair) From Lip Service to Action: A Systems Approach to Transcending Resistance in Teaching Diversity. Collaborative symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Asay, P.A., Arseneau, J. A., Clarke, M., Davis, T. M., Taylor, N. E., Walton, H., & Wilson, T. (August, 2019). Addressing sexual harassment of clinical trainees in an ethical, empowering, and compassionate way. Roundtable discussion conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Asay, P. A., Wilson, T. & Clarke, M. (March, 2018). Marginalization: How the group experience can further harm non-dominant participants. Presentation conducted at the annual meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, Houston, TX.
  • Asay, P. A., Clarke, M., Wilson, T., Saripalli, V., Jaffe-Tallberg, J. & Washington, C. (February, 2018) Nevertheless, she insisted: Breaking the silence on sexism, sexual harassment, the money taboo and devaluing of women in psychology. Symposium conducted at the annual Teacher’s College Winter Roundtable, New York, NY.
  • Asay, P.A., Paquin, J. D., Arseneau, J. R., & Fassinger, R. E. (August, 2017). STEM-trained women working in the chemical industry: Key findings from Project ENHANCE. In J. Paquin (Chair) Beyond the undergraduate experience: STEM-trained women pursuing doctoral study and in the workforce. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
  • Asay, P. A. (November, 2014). Dasein in “Techistential Crisis”: Examining existential truths of the Digital Age. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Existential Analysis, London, England.
Select Publications

Select Publications

  • Asay, P. A. (2020).  Am I doing enough? How to embrace the role of advocate and bypass feeling guilty! SCP Connect,—am-i-doing-enough–how-to-embrace
  • Asay, P.A. Clarke, M. & Wilson, T. (2020) Themes and trends in teaching group psychotherapy.  The Group Psychologist, 30, 1.
  • Asay, P. A. & Chapman, C. (2020).  The here and now in 2020: Teaching group psychotherapy online.  The Group Psychologist, 30, 2.
  • Asay, P.A., Paquin, J. D., Arseneau, J. R., Downing, V., Roffman, M., Kettlewell, K., Berman, T., Walton, H. M. & Fassinger, R. E. (2017) Career success of women in the chemical industry, Part 1:  Finding a way through the labyrinth.  In D. J. Nelson and H.N. Cheng (Eds.) Diversity in the Scientific Community, Vol 1: Quantifying Diversity and Formulating Success.  American Chemical Society.
  • Asay, P.A. & Lal, A. (2014). Who’s Googled whom? Trainees’ Internet and online social networking experiences, behaviors, and attitudes with clients and supervisors.  Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8, 105-111.
  • Fassinger, R. E. & Asay, P.A. (2006).  Career counseling for women in math, science, technology, and engineering fields.  In W.B. Walsh & M. Heppner (Eds.), Handbook of Career Counseling for Women (2nd Ed.) (pp.427-452). Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

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