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Vancouver | Counselling Psychology (M.A.) | Master of Counselling Psychology

Somayyeh Mohammadi, Ph.D., RCC



Teaching has been my interest and passion since I was an undergraduate student. I have always encouraged students to engage with the course materials meaningfully. I believe teaching and learning are possible only if an atmosphere of enthusiasm exists in the classroom.

I feel accomplished when I can easily explain complicated concepts so that students learn them in class. This is possible by keeping all students challenged and engaged. Engagement, in turn, is possible by creating a fun and dynamic environment full of individual and group activities and experiments. Even pure psychological and statistical concepts can be taught using tools that make students passionate about the material.

Please feel free to contact me via email or phone (+1 236-521-2446).



  • Ph.D., Health Psychology, University Medical Center Groningen
  • M.Sc., Family Therapy, Family Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University
  • B.Sc., Clinical Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Current Licensures

Current Licensures

  • Registered Clinical Counsellor
Areas of Expertise

Areas of Expertise

  •  Counselling Psychology
  • Family Caregivers Well-being
  • Chronic Health Conditions and Impacts on Families
Select Publications

Select Publications

  • Cathcart, H.F., Mohammadi, S., Erlander, B. Robillard, J., Miller, W.C. (2023). Evaluating the role of social media in providing support for family caregivers of individuals with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord.
  • Chan, J., Mohammadi, S., Esfandiari, E., Schmidt, J., Mortenson, W.B., Miller, W.C. (2023). Living through the pandemic with a disability: A longitudinal qualitative study. Disabilities, 3(3), 307-318;
  • Singh, G., Battalova, A., Miller. W., Simpson., E., Rash, I., Mohammadi, S., Gordon, T., Chan., J., Mortenson, B. (2023). Resilience Practices among a Broad Spectrum of Individuals with Physical Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Photo Elicitation Study. Journal of Community Psychology. doi: 10.1002/jcop.23070
  • Tao, G, Singh, G., Simpson, E., Battalova, IA., Rash, I., Mohammadi, S., Schmidt, J., Borisoff, J., Mortenson, B., Miller, C.M. (2023). Quality of Physical Activity Participation Among Adults with Disabilities Through Pandemic Restriction. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 90(2):161-172. doi:10.1177/00084174231160954
  • Ngan, J., Neil, E., Miller, W.C., Mohammadi, S. (2023). Family caregivers’ perspectives on their experience and education when caring for individuals after total joint arthroplasty. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics.
  • Simpson, E., Mohammadi, S., Miller, W.C., Yu, N., Watson, W., Spillane, A., Westby, M.D. (2022). Reliability of Conducting The 30-Second Chair Stand Test Virtually Among Individuals with Osteoarthritis. Archives of Rheumatology & Arthritis Research, 2(4). DOI: 10.33552/ARAR.2022.02.000542.
  • Mamman, R., Mohammadi, S., Rash, I., Esfandiari, E., Miller, W.C., Mortenson, W.B., Schmidt, J. (2022). ‘One Step at a Time, One Day at a Time’: Life Profiles of Individuals with Disabilities across the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Disabilities, 2(4):736-749.
  • Derakhshan, P., Miller, W. C., Borisoff, J., Esfandiari, E., Forwell, S., Jarus, T., Mohammadi, S., Rash, I., Sakakibara, B., Schmidt, J., Tao, G., Tregobov, N., & Mortenson, W. B. (2022
  • Reid H.M., Miller W.C., Esfandiari, E., Mohammadi S., Rash I., Tao G., Simpson E., Leong K., Matharu P., Sakakibara B., Schmidt J., Jarus T., Forwell S., Borisoff J., Backman C., Alic A., Brooks E., Chan J., Flockhart E., Irish J., Tsukura C., Dispirito N., Mortenson W.B. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 related restrictions on social and daily activities of parents, people with disabilities and older adults: Protocol for a longitudinal, mixed-methods study. JMIR Research Protocol, 10(9). doi: 10.2196/28337
  • Akbari, F., Dehghani, M., Mohammadi, S., Goubert, L., Sanderman, R., Hagedoorn, M. (2020). Why do patients engage in pain behaviors? A qualitative study examining the perspective of patients and partners. Clinical Journal of Pain, 36(10): 750-756. DOI: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000868
Select Presentations

Select Presentations

  • Mohammadi, S., Cathcart, H., Erlander, B., Whitehurst, D., G.T. Robillard, J.M., Miller. W.C. (2024, February 22-25). Assessing needs and co-designing interventions to promote the well-being of family caregivers of individuals with spinal cord injury [Conference presentation]. 2024 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Austin, Texas.
  • Mohammadi, S., Bogle, V., Cathcart, H., Park, S., Miller, W.C. (2023, November 21-23). The Buffering Effect of Online and In-Person Social Support on the Well-Being of Family Caregivers of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. 10th National SCI Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
  • Cathcart, H., Mohammadi S., Page, B., Pauly, E, Erlander B, Robillard J.M., Miller, W.C. (2022, September 15-18). Evaluating the role of social media in providing support for family caregivers of individuals with spinal cord injury. Poster presentation accepted to the 61st International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Mamman, R., Mohammadi, S., Rash, I., Esfandiari, E., Miller, W.C., Mortenson, W.B., Schmidt, J. (2022, September 15-18). “One step at a time, one day at a time”: Narratives of individuals with disabilities across the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Paris, France.
  • Mortenson, B., Chan, J., Mohammadi, S., Brooks, E.J., Eugenio, A.F., Jarus, T., Schmidt, J., Miller, W.C. (2022, September 15-18). Thriving, striving or surviving? A longitudinal qualitative study on the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of individuals with disabilities. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Paris, France.
  • Reid, H.M., Mohammadi, S., Watson, W., Robillard, J.M., Crocker, M., Westby, M.D., Miller, W.C. (2022, September 15-18, Declined). “That’s a good way to do it”: Stakeholder preferences on formats, features and characteristics of a prehabilitation eHealth education module. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Paris, France.
  • Mohammadi, S., Cathcart, H., Robillard., J.M., Miller, W.C. (2022, June 28-29). The association between perceived burden and support received from online social support in family caregivers of individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Bristol, UK.
  • Schmidt, J., Mamman, R., Mohammadi, S., Rash, I., Esfandiari, E., Miller, W.C., Mortenson, W.B. (2022, May 4-7). Life profile of individuals with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), Whistler, Canada.
  • Montealegre M., Draney C., Miller WC, Mohammadi S., Robillard, J.M. (2022, May 4-7). Developing an eHealth tool to optimize family caregivers’ role in the circle of care of patients with spinal cord injury. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists,, Whistler, Canada.
  • McBride, A., Gant, N., Maskall, H., Robillard, J., Miller, B, Mohammadi, S. Social Media vs. in-person social support for family caregivers. (2021, May 16-19). Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, Virtual Conference.

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