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You need a Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution to enroll in Adler University programs.


Tuition Estimator

Tuition for Adler University’s programs is charged each term according to the number of registered academic credits. The number of credits a student will register for varies by academic program and by term. To determine the amount of tuition and fees that would be charged in a given term, please refer to the tuition calculator below in conjunction with your academic program’s recommended course sequence.

The cost estimates calculated below are based on our 2023-2024 academic year. New rates based on the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year will be updated in the upcoming months. 

Please select a campus and program of interest.

Applied Psychology (Master of)

Adler University’s Master of Applied Psychology (MOAP) program is an applied, nonclinical degree, designed to prepare socially responsible professionals and leaders with the core competences in applied research, business, and community applications. Students learn a variety of skills for leadership, program management and evaluation, and cross-cultural communication, and will be able to apply their knowledge of diverse areas of psychology to work in multiple domains and across settings.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 24 $26,640 $936 $27,576
Year 2* 15 $16,650 $936 $17,586

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Art Therapy (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Art Therapy program prepares researchers, educators, and scholars to train the next generation of clinical art therapists—and use human creative expression as a powerful catalyst for change. Taught by renowned experts, our curriculum emphasizes the potential of art therapy as a socially responsible practice to address some of today’s most pressing issues.


Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 35 $57,610 $1,686 $59,296
Year 2* 18 $29,628 $1,686 $31,314
Year 3* 9 $14,814 $1,686 $16,500

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Certificate in Sex Therapy

Adler University’s Certificate in Sex Therapy prepares socially responsible clinicians with core knowledge of human sexuality and sex therapy training that meets the highest standards in the field, including an ethical consciousness and cultural competence. Adler University is approved to deliver this unique curriculum by the American Association of Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), as an Organizational Provider II. This means that the curriculum has been reviewed by AASECT and that Adler University is approved to offer AASECT CE (continuing education) credits. The Certificate in Sex Therapy provides human sexuality education and sex therapy training, as well as an attitudes and values training (i.e., Sexual Attitude Reassessment; (SAR)) as required by AASECT.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 10 $9,340 $624 $9,964

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts in Counseling: Specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares socially responsible clinicians to provide culturally sensitive therapeutic services in a wide range of clinical settings. Students train with faculty who are experienced counseling professionals and social justice activists. Our graduates are empowered and equipped to be agents of change for individuals, families, groups, communities, and society.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 35 $51,380 $1,686 $53,066
Year 2* 27 $39,636 $1,686 $41,322

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.A.) (Part Time)

Adler University’s Master of Arts in Counseling: Specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares socially responsible clinicians to provide culturally sensitive therapeutic services in a wide range of clinical settings. Students train with faculty who are experienced counseling professionals and social justice activists. Our graduates are empowered and equipped to be agents of change for individuals, families, groups, communities, and society.

Part Time (3 years)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 24 $35,232 $1,110 $36,342
Year 2* 23 $33,764 $1,110 $34,874
Year 3* 15 $22,020 $1,110 $23,130

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Part Time (4 years)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 18 $26,424 $1,110 $27,534
Year 2* 20 $29,360 $1,110 $30,470
Year 3* 18 $26,424 $1,110 $27,534
Year 4* 6 $8,808 $1,110 $9,918

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 4 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Mental Health Counseling Online (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts in Counseling: Specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares socially responsible clinicians to provide culturally sensitive therapeutic services in a wide range of clinical settings. Students train with faculty who are experienced counseling professionals and social justice activists. Our graduates are empowered and equipped to be agents of change for individuals, families, groups, communities, and society.

Three-Year Sequence (Fall Start)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $39,636 $1,686 $41,322
Year 2* 23 $33,764 $1,686 $35,450
Year 3* 12 $17,616 $1,686 $19,302

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Three-Year Sequence (Spring Start)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $39,636 $1,686 $41,322
Year 2* 23 $33,764 $1,686 $35,450
Year 3* 12 $17,616 $1,686 $19,302

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Three-Year Sequence (Summer Start)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $39,636 $1,686 $41,322
Year 2* 23 $33,764 $1,686 $35,450
Year 3* 12 $17,616 $1,686 $19,302

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Mental Health Counseling Online (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts in Counseling: Specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares socially responsible clinicians to provide culturally sensitive therapeutic services in a wide range of clinical settings. Students train with faculty who are experienced counseling professionals and social justice activists. Our graduates are empowered and equipped to be agents of change for individuals, families, groups, communities, and society.

Three-Year Sequence (Fall Start)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $39,258 $1,686 $40,944
Year 2* 23 $33,442 $1,686 $35,128
Year 3* 12 $17,448 $1,686 $19,134

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Three-Year Sequence (Spring Start)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $39,258 $1,686 $40,944
Year 2* 23 $33,442 $1,686 $35,128
Year 3* 12 $17,448 $1,686 $19,134

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Three-Year Sequence (Summer Start)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $39,258 $1,686 $40,944
Year 2* 23 $33,442 $1,686 $35,128
Year 3* 12 $17,448 $1,686 $19,134

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)

Adler University’s Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology program prepares students to be professional clinicians who empower individuals and address acute and chronic social justice issues that plague our society. Graduates are prepared to work with diverse populations, including children, adults, seniors, those with developmental disabilities, and the severely and chronically mentally ill.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 42 $51,828 $1,452 $53,280
Year 2* 24 $29,616 $1,452 $31,068
Year 3* 20 $24,680 $1,452 $26,132
Year 4* 18 $22,212 $1,452 $23,664
Year 5* 3 $3,702 $1,452 $5,154

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 4 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 5 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)

Adler University’s Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) program trains clinical psychologists to become socially responsible clinicians who empower individuals and strengthen communities around the globe. Our nationally recognized program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA), and prepares students to promote health among society’s most vulnerable and marginalized populations.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $61,344 $2,262 $63,606
Year 2* 36 $61,344 $2,262 $63,606
Year 3* 25.5 $43,452 $2,262 $45,714
Year 4* 16.5 $28,116 $2,262 $30,378
Year 5* 0 $0 $2,262 $2,262

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 4 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 5 Total


Cumulative Total


Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts (M.A.) in Counseling: Specialization in Rehabilitation Counseling program prepares socially responsible clinicians to improve quality of life for individuals who face physical, developmental, and emotional challenges. Trained to confront systemic barriers and increase opportunities for inclusion, our graduates are well equipped to empower populations such as the elderly, veterans, and people with disabilities in a wide range of settings.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 35 $51,380 $1,686 $53,066
Year 2* 27 $39,636 $1,686 $41,322

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counseling: Art Therapy (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts (M.A.) in Counseling: Art Therapy program prepares socially responsible counselors to use the creative process to improve individuals’ physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing with a focus on treating some of society’s most marginalized populations. Students learn how to model, demonstrate, and teach coping skills through counseling and art therapy to people facing trauma, stress, behavioral, neurological and other concerns.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 38 $55,784 $1,434 $57,218
Year 2* 28 $41,104 $1,434 $42,538

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counselling Psychology (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts (M.A.) in Counselling Psychology program prepares community mental health counsellors to be socially responsible practitioners in Canada’s public and private sectors. Students gain a strong foundation in counselling theories and methods and are trained to be self-reflexive, ethically aware clinicians.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 35 $38,850 $5,388 $44,238
Year 2* 24 $26,640 $5,388 $32,028

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counselling Psychology (Master of)

Adler University’s Master of Counselling Psychology program offers a non-thesis option that prepares community mental health counsellors to be socially responsible practitioners based primarily in Canada’s public and private sectors. Students gain a strong foundation in counselling theories and methods and are trained to be self-reflexive, ethically aware clinicians.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 34 $37,740 $2,894 $40,634
Year 2* 21 $23,310 $2,894 $26,204

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counselling Psychology: Art Therapy (Master of)

Adler University’s Master of Counselling Psychology: Art Therapy program prepares students to work as counsellors, art therapists, and educators in a leading-edge field that combines the arts and psychology to improve physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Our unique degree offering trains graduates to be socially responsible practitioners who work with both words and images to treat individuals facing trauma, stress, and other life transitions in a wide range of settings.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 34 $37,740 $2,300 $40,040
Year 2* 26 $28,860 $2,300 $31,160

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counselling Psychology: School and Youth Concentration (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts (M.A.) in Counselling Psychology: School and Youth Concentration program prepares students with comprehensive knowledge, skills, and real-world experience to provide therapeutic services for children, adolescents, and their families across a wide range of settings. Students gain a strong foundation in counselling theories and methods and are trained to be self-reflexive, ethically aware, and socially responsible clinicians.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 41 $45,510 $2,728 $48,238
Year 2* 18 $19,980 $2,728 $22,708

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counselling Psychology: School and Youth Concentration (Master of)

Adler University’s Master of Counselling Psychology: School and Youth Concentration program offers a non-thesis option that prepares students with comprehensive knowledge, skills, and real-world experience to provide therapeutic services for children, adolescents, and their families in a wide range of settings. Students gain a strong foundation in counselling theories and methods and are trained to be self-reflexive, ethically aware, and socially responsible clinicians.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 40 $44,400 $2,728 $47,128
Year 2* 15 $16,650 $2,728 $19,378

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Counselor Education and Supervision (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s CACREP-accredited Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Counselor Education and Supervision program prepares students to become expert clinicians, academics, or professional consultants in a unique program guided by themes of freedom and liberation. Our program develops empathetic, compassionate, and socially responsible leaders to promote humanistic scholarship and practice.


Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 27 $44,442 $1,686 $46,128
Year 2* 19 $31,274 $1,686 $32,960
Year 3* 14 $23,044 $1,686 $24,730

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Couple and Family Therapy (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts in Couple and Family Therapy program prepares marriage and family therapists to serve families, couples, youth, and individuals through socially responsible practice. Our innovative program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), facilitating portability of licensure and expanding employment opportunities.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 35 $51,380 $1,434 $52,814
Year 2* 22 $32,296 $1,434 $33,730
Specials/Electives* 3 $4,404 $1,434 $5,838

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Specials/Electives Total


Cumulative Total


Couple and Family Therapy (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Couple and Family Therapy is the only campus-based program in Illinois that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). Our program prepares recent graduates of clinical master degree programs and experienced clinicians to be advanced socially responsible practitioners in couple, marriage, and family therapy as well as leaders in research, teaching, and advocacy.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 25 $41,150 $1,686 $42,836
Year 2* 23 $37,858 $1,686 $39,544
Year 3* 3 $4,938 $1,686 $6,624
Year 4* 3 $4,938 $1,686 $6,624
Specials/Electives* 9 $14,814 $1,686 $16,500

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 4 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Specials/Electives Total


Cumulative Total


Forensic Mental Health Leadership (M.A.)

Adler University’s Master of Arts in Forensic Mental Health Leadership program prepares individuals to become socially responsible leaders, consultants and agents for change in forensic mental health and related public safety fields. Students in this program will gain new skills and strategies to use research-driven data to address the social issues, shifting cultural landscapes, increased public scrutiny, and the growing demand for increased accountability and transparency from the communities and stakeholders they serve.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 29 $42,572 $624 $43,196
Year 2* 7 $10,276 $624 $10,900

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Industrial and Organizational Psychology (M.A.)

Adler University’s online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology trains students in one of psychology’s fastest-growing specialties. We prepare socially responsible I/O professionals with insight, innovation, and direction to address today’s complex organizational issues of workplace diversity and inclusiveness, employee performance, change management, workplace safety, organizational culture, team building, and more.

Full Time (All concentrations except Human Resources Management)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $33,264 $2,038 $35,302

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Full Time (Human Resources Management concentration)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 39 $36,036 $2,038 $38,074

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Part Time (All concentrations except Human Resources Management)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $19,404 $2,038 $21,442
Year 2* 15 $13,860 $2,038 $15,898

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Part Time (Human Resources Management concentration)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $19,404 $2,038 $21,442
Year 2* 18 $16,632 $2,038 $18,670

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Industrial and Organizational Psychology (M.A.)

The M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology program offers a thesis option that prepares students to foster workplaces that encourage leadership, innovation, and wellbeing. With organizations increasingly seeking out human behavior experts to improve business performance, specialists in this rapidly growing field are reshaping the 21st-century workplace. Our program prepares socially responsible specialists in industrial and organizational psychology to work in a wide variety of professional settings.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 26 $28,860 $936 $29,796
Year 2* 19 $21,090 $936 $22,026

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Industrial and Organizational Psychology (M.A.)

Adler University’s online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology trains students in one of psychology’s fastest-growing specialties. We prepare socially responsible I/O professionals with insight, innovation, and direction to address today’s complex organizational issues of workplace diversity and inclusiveness, employee performance, change management, workplace safety, organizational culture, team building, and more.

Full Time (All concentrations except Human Resources Management)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $32,328 $1,578 $33,906

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Full Time (Human Resources Management concentration)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 39 $35,022 $1,578 $36,600

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Part Time (All concentrations except Human Resources Management)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $18,858 $1,578 $20,436
Year 2* 15 $13,470 $1,578 $15,048

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Part Time (Human Resources Management concentration)

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $18,858 $1,578 $20,436
Year 2* 18 $16,164 $1,578 $17,742

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Master of)

Adler University’s Master of Industrial and Organizational Psychology offers a non-thesis option that prepares students to foster workplaces that encourage leadership, innovation, and wellbeing. With organizations increasingly seeking out human behavior experts to improve business performance, specialists in this rapidly growing field are reshaping the 21st-century workplace. Our program prepares socially responsible specialists in industrial and organizational psychology to work in a wide variety of professional settings.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 26 $28,860 $936 $29,796
Year 2* 19 $21,090 $936 $22,026

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology trains students to be forward-thinking, socially responsible organizational experts who draw on scientific research to gain a deeper understanding of motivation and how to maximize human potential. Our graduates bring expertise in psychology, decision making, leadership, statistics, and research methods to workplaces, offering fiscally and ethically guided recommendations to shape culture and drive performance. Students who enter the program with a closely related M.A. or M.S. degree can waive up to 36 credit hours.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 18 $16,164 $1,578 $17,742
Year 2* 38.5 $34,573 $1,578 $36,151
Year 3* 16.5 $14,817 $1,578 $16,395
Electives* 17 $15,266 $1,578 $16,844

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Electives Total


Cumulative Total


Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology trains students to be forward-thinking, socially responsible organizational experts who draw on scientific research to gain a deeper understanding of motivation and how to maximize human potential. Our graduates bring expertise in psychology, decision making, leadership, statistics, and research methods to workplaces, offering fiscally and ethically guided recommendations to shape culture and drive performance. Students who enter the program with a closely related M.A. or M.S. degree can waive up to 36 credit hours.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 18 $16,632 $2,038 $18,670
Year 2* 38.5 $35,574 $2,038 $37,612
Year 3* 16.5 $15,246 $2,038 $17,284
Electives* 17 $15,708 $2,038 $17,746

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Electives Total


Cumulative Total


Master of Public Policy and Administration

The Master of Public Policy and Administration is a 36-credit hour program. The Master of Public Policy and Administration program develops leaders who are sensitive to issues of social justice and capable of addressing today’s complex policy problems.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 22 $24,420 $936 $25,356
Year 2 * 14 $15,540 $936 $16,476

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Military Psychology (M.A.)

Drawing on Alfred Adler’s longtime expertise in military psychology and education, Adler University’s fully online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Psychology: Specialization in Military Psychology trains students to become socially responsible mental health professionals with specialized knowledge of military psychology. Graduates are equipped to work with the distinct needs and trauma experienced by military personnel, retirees, veterans, and their families.

One-Year Track

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $32,328 $1,578 $33,906

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Two-Year Track

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $18,858 $1,578 $20,436
Year 2* 15 $13,470 $1,578 $15,048

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Military Psychology (M.A.)

Drawing on Alfred Adler’s longtime expertise in military psychology and education, Adler University’s fully online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Psychology: Specialization in Military Psychology trains students to become socially responsible mental health professionals with specialized knowledge of military psychology. Graduates are equipped to work with the distinct needs and trauma experienced by military personnel, retirees, veterans, and their families.

One-Year Track

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $33,264 $2,038 $35,302

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Two-Year Track

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $19,404 $2,038 $21,442
Year 2* 15 $13,860 $2,038 $15,898

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Organizational Leadership (M.A.)

Adler University’s online Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program trains students to influence and revitalize domestic and international organizations as a scholar, practitioner, and entrepreneur with a socially responsible focus. Students develop skills in research, data, and analytics to help make informed, strategic, and ethical decisions for both an organization and its societal initiatives.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $32,328 $1,578 $33,906

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Organizational Leadership (M.A.)

Adler University’s online Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program trains students to influence and revitalize domestic and international organizations as a scholar, practitioner, and entrepreneur with a socially responsible focus. Students develop skills in research, data, and analytics to help make informed, strategic, and ethical decisions for both an organization and its societal initiatives.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 21 $19,404 $2,038 $21,442
Year 2* 15 $13,860 $2,038 $15,898

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Organizational Leadership (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s Online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Organizational Leadership program trains students to be socially conscious scholar-practitioners who can make an immediate impact on organizational and system transformation as well as drive innovation across commercial, public, and social contexts. Graduates of our program are equipped to excel as leaders and change agents in a wide variety of settings, from academia and the nonprofit sector, to business, industry and government. Students who enter the program with a closely related M.A. or M.S. degree can waive up to 39 credit hours.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 19.5 $17,511 $1,578 $19,089
Year 2* 27.5 $24,695 $1,578 $26,273
Year 3* 18 $16,164 $1,578 $17,742
Electives* 25 $22,450 $1,578 $24,028

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Electives Total


Cumulative Total


Organizational Leadership (Ph.D.)

Adler University’s Online Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Organizational Leadership program trains students to be socially conscious scholar-practitioners who can make an immediate impact on organizational and system transformation as well as drive innovation across commercial, public, and social contexts. Graduates of our program are equipped to excel as leaders and change agents in a wide variety of settings, from academia and the nonprofit sector, to business, industry and government. Students who enter the program with a closely related M.A. or M.S. degree can waive up to 39 credit hours.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 19.5 $18,018 $2,038 $20,056
Year 2* 27.5 $25,410 $2,038 $27,448
Year 3* 18 $16,632 $2,038 $18,670
Electives* 25 $23,100 $2,038 $25,138

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 3 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Electives Total


Cumulative Total


Psychology (M.A.)

Adler University’s online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Psychology program trains socially responsible leaders to take the next step in their careers or branch into a terminal degree across a wide range of fields and disciplines. This innovative degree prepares professionals to be visionaries in their chosen field, using cutting-edge psychological insights and data-driven analysis to shape dynamic workplaces and environments to fuel human potential.

One-Year Track

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $32,328 $1,578 $33,906

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Two-Year Track

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 20 $17,960 $1,578 $19,538
Year 2* 16 $14,368 $1,578 $15,946

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Public Policy and Administration (Master of)

Become a leader and advocate for social justice at all levels of public service with Adler University’s Master of Public Policy and Administration degree. Channel your passion for improving your community by addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as income inequality, insecure housing, and environmental threats.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 36 $33,624 $1,434 $35,058

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Public Policy and Administration (Master of) (Part Time)

Become a leader and advocate for social justice at all levels of public service with Adler University’s Master of Public Policy and Administration degree. Channel your passion for improving your community by addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as income inequality, insecure housing, and environmental threats.

Part Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 18 $16,812 $624 $17,436
Year 2* 18 $16,812 $624 $17,436

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total


Sport & Human Performance (M.S.)

Adler University’s Master of Science (M.S.) in Sport and Health Performance program combines coaching and counseling skills with evidence-based theories of human performance not only on the playing field, but in a socially responsible manner in the real world. Graduates are trained to work with individuals from a range of age and ability within sport and non-sport settings, and are eligible to pursue the Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) credential from the Association for Applied Sport Psychology.

Full Time

Credits Tuition Fees Total
Year 1* 23 $33,764 $624 $34,388
Year 2* 15 $22,020 $624 $22,644

Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 1 Total


Cumulative Total


Credits by year


Dollar Amount


Universal Fee


Year 2 Total


Cumulative Total
